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The Nine Steps of the Practice of Validation
While the concept of validation is quite simple—the act of making someone feel they are of value—it is a surprisingly complex process, which could be the reason why so many of us have a hard time getting it right.
Adolescing & Becoming
Did you know that the word adolescent comes from the root word “to adolesce,” the verb meaning “to become?”
The Practice of Becoming: Self-Validation - Part 2
The Practice of Becoming: Self-Validation - Part 2
The Practice of Becoming: Standing Still and Self Validation - Part 1
The Practice of Becoming: Standing Still and Self Validation - Part 1
Validation: Meeting the Music That Is You
“If you could give parents one tool that their teenaged children need; something that they could begin using right away that would allow their children to know how to be in the world and in adult relationships in a healthy way, what would it be?”