Enrollment ends November 8th for November 2024 - July 2025 Consult Groups

Advance your IFS practice with peer and expert guidance

Collaborative growth and expert mentorship for therapists and mental health practitioners practicing Internal Family Systems

As a mental health practitioner, mastering IFS can profoundly enhance your therapeutic impact. Developing your skills is a journey requiring time, practice, and the right support.

Joining a consultation group led by Dr. Robin Barre offers you the guidance, encouragement, and peer support you need to confidently integrate IFS into your practice, whether you are just beginning with IFS or have been practicing for awhile. Through shared experiences, collaborative case studies, and expert insights, you’ll navigate challenges more effectively, boost your confidence, and find a supportive community that empowers your growth. This group isn’t just about learning—it’s about thriving as an IFS practitioner.

The process

Get in touch to reserve a seat in a Group. If there are still spaces open, you’ll receive a registration & payment link.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an email with a student intake form and a link to the member page.

Complete the student intake form and head over to the group page to prepare for your first session!

What’s included in a Consultation Group experience

Our consultation group is designed to be a nurturing and structured space where you can deepen your understanding and application of IFS concepts, protocols, and theory. Robin also brings in her background in Jungian and archetypal psychologies to deepen and enhance the work. Groups meet monthly via Zoom, focusing on areas such as child and adolescent development, complex trauma, unattached burdens, family dynamics, and, of course, our parts. This structured, supportive environment ensures that you are fully equipped to apply IFS in a variety of therapeutic contexts, navigate challenging situations, and continue coming into compassionate relationship with our protector parts, therapist parts, and Self-resourcing parts. Here’s what you can expect:

Intentional beginning

We begin each session by mindfully arriving into the virtual space, taking a moment to center ourselves with a quiet check-in. This is a time to speak for any parts or issues that may be relevant to the session, ensuring that the facilitator can hold appropriate space for the group.

Case discussions

With a maximum of 4 participants per group, each member has dedicated time to present a case, share questions, and explore challenges. The group then offers perspectives, validation, and insights, allowing for a rich exchange of ideas. Following this, Dr. Barre will provide her expert guidance, suggestions, and resources, helping you find clarity and direction.

Closing & Next Steps

We conclude each session with expressions of gratitude, confirming our next meeting, and ensuring you leave with a sense of direction and purpose. Sessions are recorded for your reference, and you’ll have access to these recordings throughout the 8-month program.

Who Should Join This Group?

This consultation group is ideal for therapists and mental health practitioners who have completed Level 1 IFS training and are eager to deepen their practice. Whether you’re just beginning to integrate IFS into your work or you’re an experienced practitioner looking for a supportive community, this group offers the perfect environment for growth. Your hours in the group do go toward completion of the IFS Institute’s criteria for certification as an IFS therapist. If you are a practitioner, Dr. Barre will work with you to determine the qualification of supervision hours.

We welcome all levels of experience, as we believe that every participant, regardless of their expertise, brings valuable insights and energy to the group. A beginner’s mind, with its openness and curiosity, is just as vital as seasoned experience in fostering a rich, collaborative learning space. If you’re ready to enhance your IFS practice with the support of peers and the expert guidance of Dr. Robin Barre, this group is for you.

Interested in one to one IFS consulting?

Individual online consultation sessions are available. If you prefer one to one consultation, please reach out to learn more about this option.


  • You can choose between two payment plans:

    1. $925.00 one time payment

    2. Eight payments of $120

  • By signing up for group consultation, you commit to all 8 sessions. You'll have access to recordings of all meetings throughout your 8-month period. Groups meet on the 3rd Monday of each month.

  • Yes. The Institute requires 15 hours of IFS clinical consultation with minimum of 7 hrs of individual consultation. At the end of your 8 month group consultation, you will have 16 hours of IFS clinical group consultation. Dr. Barre is an IFS Approved Clinical Consultant.

  • Yes, in addition to keeping track of your hours, Robin also keeps notes during the sessions. You are encouraged to also track your hours.

  • If you're not a mental health therapist or equivalent, your governing professional body will determine whether group or individual consultation with Robin meets their criteria. You may need to schedule a brief meeting with Robin to clarify this.

  • Yes, and all hours can go toward your certification.

  • Current members of the consultation group are most welcome to continue their work with Robin. You will need to commit to the following 8 months with the designated enrollment fee. New members may join the group if there is an opening. All groups are limited to 4 members.

  • No problem! All meetings are recorded and you will have access to a password-protected recording link for all 8 of our sessions.

  • Except under extreme and unavoidable circumstances, your fee is nonrefundable. Robin will work with you to assure that we come to a satisfactory resolution should you need or want to discontinue.

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Dr. Robin Barre

About Dr. Robin Barre

Dr. Robin Barre has 30 years of experience working with adolescents in various settings, from teaching high school and middle school to running a private practice. She is a Level 3 trained certified Internal Family Systems therapist and IFS Institute approved consultant. Dr. Barre earned her MA degrees in counseling and depth psychology, as well as her Ph.D. in depth psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Pulling from her extensive experience in the field and years of research, she is dedicated to helping caregivers, practitioners, and organizations improve the lives of the adolescents they serve by refining, developing, and deepening their knowledge and approach.